Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Crusader Chronicles - Episode 015: May 1976

Crusader Chronicles
Episode 015: May 1976
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #159, X-Men #100

Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 015: May 1976

It's a two issue Crusader Chronicles that is chock full of hi-jinx and fun from your friends at the Longbox Crusade: Pat, Jarrod, Jason, and Delvin! Included inside: the Chronicles' first ever one rating (GASP), the first ever Chronicles haiku-off (WOW), the first ever villain scared away by a trash can (UGH), and the first incapacitated Canadian superhero via snowball (HUH?)! The boys take on Amazing Spider-Man 159 and Uncanny X-Men 100 in their own special way with a guest assist from Chris @btoandbatbooks! Come along and enjoy!

Opening [0:00:47]
Podcast promo - 2 Old 2 New Podcast - [0:08:27]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:54]
Podcast promo - Cheers Cast- [0:47:32]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:48:41]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs Burr: A Werewolf Tale - [1:22:41]
Crusader Comments [1:24:10]
Closing [1:38:52]
Outtakes [1:44:05]

Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/

Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com

This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network:
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.blogspot.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at:
Or the main Longbox Crusade podcast on iTunes at:

Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles.
Please join us for the next episode as we continue on the crusade to "Read Them All!"

All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended. We make no money on this podcast, it is for entertainment purpose only.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 008: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes

Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 008: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Blind Man’s Bluff

Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 008

Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955.

This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the show and podcast guest ringer, Dave Collins.

In this episode, the lads check in on Holmes & Watson and a a blind man, and some chicken feet. Trinidad, I tell you!  It all comes back to Trinidad!

Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com

This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network:

Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at:

Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/

Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre.

All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended. We make no money on this podcast, it is for entertainment purpose only.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Crusader Chronicles - Episode 014: April 1976

Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles
Episode 014: April 1976
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #158

Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 014: April 1976

Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich and Delvin Williams.

Opening [0:00:48]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs Burr: A Werewolf Tale [0:02:55]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:04:23]
Podcast promo - Married With Comics [0:47:00]
Crusader Comments [0:48:59]
Closing [0:51:15]
Outtakes [0:57:21]

Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/

Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com

This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network:
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.blogspot.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at:
Or the main Longbox Crusade podcast on iTunes at:

Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles.
Please join us for the next episode as we continue on the crusade to "Read Them All!"

All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended. We make no money on this podcast, it is for entertainment purpose only.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 007: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes

Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 007: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Winthrop Legend

Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 007

Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, Delvin WIlliams, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955.

This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the show, Professor Alan from the Relatively Geeky Podcast Network.

In this episode, the lads check in on Holmes & Watson and a Haunted House!

Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com

This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network:

Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at:

Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/

Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre.

All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended. We make no money on this podcast, it is for entertainment purpose only.