Saturday, May 9, 2020

Crusader Chronicles - Episode 041: July 1978

Crusader Chronicles
Episode 041: July 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #185, X-Men #114

Pete graduates college, at least 5 X-Men die, and Tim from Omaha Bound (our sponsor), co-hosts with the lads...only one of these actually occurs in Crusader Chronicles (featuring Spidey 185 and UNCANNY X-Men 114)!

Opening [0:01:12]
Podcast promo - JLMay 2020 - [0:09:39]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:44]
Podcast promo - Fan Film Fridays - [0:48:15]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:49:19]
Podcast promo - 2 Old 2 New Podcast - [1:26:07]
Crusader Comments [1:26:35]
Closing [1:26:34]
Outtakes [1:39:41]

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Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles.
Please join us for the next episode as we continue on the crusade to "Read Them All!"

All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended, it is for entertainment purposes only.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Spider-Man #185: It's a first read for me! (Dang it, Delvin!)
    Cover: 3.
    I like it, but it's not wow-ing me. Plus inaccurate. It's not "the shadow of Spider-Man" that caused his problems, it's Peter being DUMB! Unless... before getting powers, Peter was totally into school and wouldn't have missed a class on his life. Pre-spider Peter would have taken the stupid gym class!
    Also, what's the FitBit score for webswinging? Asking for a friend.
    Comic: 2
    Fighting White Dragon was ok, but Spidey should have said "go home, son!" And the graduation story didn't deliver emotionally. It wasn't funny/dramatic/tragic. I just was shaking my head. So if that was the desired reaction, Mission Accomplished!

    X-Men #114: It's a re-read for me. I binge-read the early Claremont issues shortly after getting the Marvel Universe App, and I ain't sorry! It was awesome!
    Cover: 4
    Byrne gives a super-moody cover, and makes me want to pick up the issue to find out if the X-Men are *really* dead or not, so it did its job!
    Comic: 3
    As a wise man once said, sometimes you have to eat the filler. But good filler all the way. Not an issue to be skipped. And dang Storm. The Thighs are Right!

    Thanks, Crusaders!
