Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Action Film Face-Off - Episode 11: 1985’s Commando vs. 2001’s The One

Action Film Face-Off
Episode 11: 1985’s Commando vs. 2001’s The One

Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 11: 1985’s Commando vs. 2001’s The One

Welcome to the eleventh episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1985 & 2001, so here are our contestants:

Commando vs. The One

Will Arnold save the day or does Jet Li win in every dimension? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!

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Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of Action Film Face-Off.

1 comment:

  1. Great show, made me watch both films before you spoiled too much. As far as the tie goes, Commando is the more iconic film, clichés and all, but The One is more my jam. In my own scoring system, I gave each 3½ stars out of 5, so it's a tie here too.

    2018 is probably the hardest ask because it's so recent. You don't have years of nostalgia working for you. Still my favorite from that year was Mission Impossible Fallout (and least once I remove all the superhero films), but my "hey that was more fun that expected" was Rampage.

    2007 has The Bourne Ultimatum, sure, but I've liked a lot of Asian action flicks from that year, including the completely whacked out Sukiyaki Western Django, Flash Point with Donnie Yen, and a rare offering from Vietnam, The Rebel.
