Crusader Chronicles
Episode 043: September 1978
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #187, X-Men #116
Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 043: September 1978
Signs of listening to Crusader Chronicles may include coughing, patriotism, burning, petrification, way too much singing, and definitely an overall good time while we cover Spidey 187/X-Men 116!
- Opening [0:00:56]
- Podcast promo - The Huntress Podcast - [0:06:13]
- 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:32]
- Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:37:14]
- 2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:38:25]
- Podcast promo - Transformers University Podcast - [1:04:10]
- Crusader Comments [1:05:09]
- Closing [1:07:26]
- Outtakes [1:10:21]
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Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of the Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles.
Please join us for the next episode as we continue on the crusade to "Read Them All!"
All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended, it is for entertainment purposes only.
Amazing Spider-Man #187: It's a first read for me! (Sad Reading Rainbow theme.)
ReplyDeleteCover: 5! Just awesome!
Issue: If I was musical genius Joe November, I'd give this a 4.5 because "the Plague" just makes me shake my head. But since I ain't a genius, musical or otherwise, it gets a 5. Cap and Spidey, my 2 favorite Marvel heroes.
I also have to give the colorist a shout-out for making the reds and blues of each hero different like they should be, Spidey's being just a shade darker. Well done.
X-Men #116: It a reread for me.
Cover: 4. Super dramatic, red-hot Colossus is scary, love it. Point off for the lame-o villain.
Issue: 4. Pretty powerful character moments, laying the groundwork future growth.
Garrok, the Pepperidge Farms Man. So he's not made of stone, he's made of cookies! LOL!